Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A comment on comments.

I love it when anyone comments on a post of mine - even the snarky ones that take me to task for a political view, or correct an erroneous statement (one incident lead to the corrector forming her own blog, which rocks), so I don't want to make it any harder than it has to be.

Here comes the big but...

I have been getting so much comment spam for milfs and truck rallies and other crap, and it pisses me off. (Do these folks really think a single person is going to give money to them when they use such tactics?)

Therefore, Blogger has this neat feature where you have to enter a verification code when posting a comment, which means they'll show you a series of letters that look like something the caterpillar blows out of his hookah at Alice, and you just have to type them in. It's one extra step. Yes, it's an additional pain in the ass. Yes, I deeply apologize.

Keep the comments coming, though. Most humble thanks in advance.


Anonymous said...

Testing, 1, 2.

The Opinionated Homeschooler said...

Yes, your comments boxes are working. We're just not commenting. :-)

So if I get my blog better known, I too will learn what a "milf" is? Maybe better not to know.

You comment on my blog, and I'll comment on yours....

Sya said...

I turned on comment verification as soon as I switched to blogger comments. Nothing is too low for those comment spammers! Although one does wonder exactly *who* actually clicks on all that comment spam to make it worthwhile for the spammers. Or maybe, as Sharon says, it's better that I not know.