Thursday, February 27, 2003


Remember how in "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" the machines had personalities - Marvin the paranoid android, doors that are happy to open for you, etc. - and how that was universally loathed by all the characters?

Well we have a copier here at work that KNOWS YOU'RE IN THE ROOM; it knows when you walk up to it, and it knows when you walk away. It turns itself off if it's not being used, so when you walk up, it "awakens" and gives you a happy little bing! as all the lights come on. If you leave something on the glass and walk away, it gives you an urgent, but polite, little bing! It does not do that until you walk away. It's just FREAKY.

I thought Adams' conceit was amusing, but I didn't know it was correct! I don't want a machine to have a personality and to interact with me. It should only do something when I push a button, fer crying out loud. And then it should do it with efficient, emotionally neutral haste; and then DO NOTHING when it's done. Just leave me the heck alone.

I think I'll act angry towards it in its presence and see if that has any effect. I'll keep you posted.

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